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Personal Injury Lawyers


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What does no win no fee actually mean?

What does no win no fee actually mean?

Why a contingent fee structure is the right way to fight for your case

Offering a legal agreement based around a no win no fee outcome has become common practice here in Perth. Like most people, you’ve probably heard about it but thought it sounded too good to be true. No money involved unless you win? No way!

Like most legal services, the reality is a little more complicated than one phrase can encompass. However, there are a multitude of benefits of opting for a contingent fee structure. As well as setting clear boundaries for both parties from day one, it offers the provision to avoid hefty legal fees upfront. This gives many clients the opportunity to pursue a case otherwise out of their financial reach.

No fee… Too good to be true?

Each legal case is different, with its own unique details and required approaches. Because of this, a contingent fee is not suitable for every single case. The term ‘no win no fee’ is not an all encompassing rule, rather a term that applies to a form of cost agreement made between a client and their legal representation.

Regularly used by personal injury lawyers, in Perth and further afield, the term means you will not pay any legal fees unless you win your case. Oftentimes these billable hours are deducted directly from the compensation, providing your legal team with serious motivation to obtain a win.

A successful outcome  

With a payment structure of no win no fee with your injury lawyers in Perth, legal representatives will typically draw up a conditional cost agreement outlining all the particulars. Usually based on the principle that payment is to be deferred until after the case is settled successfully (or non-payment if you lose the case), certain conditions may need to be met.

What determines a successful case can vary between different law firms, so carefully reviewing this cost agreement is important. Discuss any queries with your lawyer, and clarify any points so you have a clear understanding of when you might have to pay fees. 

Following reasonable advice

Adding conditions such as agreeing to follow the (reasonable) advice of your legal representation for the duration of the case is usually included in no win no fee pay agreements. In order for a legal firm to defer their fees until after a case is won, both parties need to play by the rules. 

While a no win no fee agreement provides serious incentive for you legal representation to win your case, they also need assurance that you will in fact follow their professional guidance. If your personal injury lawyer in Perth was to agree to a contingent fee structure, only for you to purposefully derail the court case through poor behaviour, they would not want to be liable for their fees when a loss was not their fault.

When referring to ‘fee’ in no win no fee, that typically translates to the billable hours your lawyer spent working on your case, as well as the professional fees of other staff who assisted. With these details clear from the outset, working with public liability and personal injury lawyers in Perth on a no win no fee case is a reliable way to approach a case focused around compensation given they do not get paid unless they win on your behalf.

Separate costs can occur throughout a legal case. Medical fees may occur for those involved in personal injury cases, such as public liability or workers compensation claims, as well as expert witness and private investigator costs paid to improve chances of a win. No legal case has a guaranteed outcome, and depending on the court decision you may be required to pay the legal fees of the other party, especially if they instigate legal proceedings.

Disbursements explained  

Operating as no win no fee injury lawyers in Perth is a valuable way for us here at Lian Hall to help those deserving of compensation after an accident. We strive to provide absolute transparency, and clarify all fee estimates and costs before taking on your case, as well as any additional costs throughout the proceedings.

When walking clients through the full costs before a settlement, we will include general expenses known as disbursements. These are small fees for essential services to operate your case, such as court fees or applying for medical reports, as well as practical measurements like postage, phone calls, and document creation. No one benefits from surprise costs, with our team dedicated to clarity and an open approach to fee agreements. 

When will I qualify for ‘no win’? 

The team here at Lian Hall offers free consultations for your personal injury case, advising on suitability for a no win no fee pay agreement. We typically offer this payment structure for all negligence and compensation claims, but will be upfront should the circumstances vary. 

Experienced personal injury lawyers in Perth that offer a no win no fee option should absolutely provide a definition of what qualifies as a ‘win’ or ‘no win’ for them, as well as an estimate for likely payment requirements for all outcome possibilities. Defining these terms avoids any confusion down the line. 

Choosing legal representation simply based on the fact they offer a no win no fee structure is not enough. In order for you to have the best possible chance at winning your personal injury or compensation claim, an experienced legal team with niche expertise should be a key deciding factor.

Here at Lian Hall we believe fully in battling an unfair injury case, and winning premium compensation for each successful case. We offer contingent fee structures to allow anyone a fair chance at their day in court, and base no win no fee cases around transparency and clear communication at all times. With a proven record of fighting hard for each client, regardless of whether a no win no fee agreement is in place, our capable team is on your side.

How Lian Hall can help you

With experience in personal injury law spanning 20 years here in Western Australia, the team at Lian Hall have a deep understanding of local laws and state court proceedings. This insider knowledge offers you the best possible chance of winning your personal injury case, as well as receiving maximum compensation. Get in touch today to discuss your claim with our personal injury lawyers in Perth, or to get more information on our no win no fee option.


Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is not legal advice but rather general information on documenting car accidents with photos. For expert advice tailored to your unique situation, consult with a qualified personal injury lawyer in Perth, WA.

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