Dog attacks are more common than you think and most victims don’t even realise they might be eligible for compensation. Medical costs, Loss of income and more all come into consideration.
The Dog Act 1976 says that the owner of a dog, or a person who can be said to be the owner, can be at fault if you are bitten. The Act talks about ‘an attack’, but an attack can be more than a bite. It could be an injury caused when a dog knocks you over or jumps up at you. If you are injured by a dog you should call for advice on whether you can claim.
Western Australia and local councils have specific dog leash laws to prevent dog bites and dog attacks but unfortunately some dog owners are negligent. Dog bite and attacks can occur anytime and at any place and it’s not always the aggressive dogs, often it’s a neighbor’s dog or friends’ dogs that feels threatened and startled and then reacts by jumping or rushing or biting.
Dog attacks can cause long lasting physical injury but also emotional scarring that will affect your interaction with other dogs for many years. Bad dog bites could effect your ability to work resulting in loss of income.
The experience dog bite legal experts at Lian Hall can help get you the justice and compensation you rightly deserve.
It’s free to find out where you stand.
Lian can let you know where you stand and fight for fair compensation.
Let us know about your accident.
We only do Personal Injury law. We specialise in helping people right from the date of their accident through to the conclusion of their claim.
Every claim is different. That’s why we take the time to understand your accident and your injuries and how your accident has affected you.
We know what it’s like to be the little guy. That’s why we take on your fight to get you the maximum compensation that you deserve.