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Car Accident Claims in Perth

In 2021 there are about 3,000,000 insured vehicles in Western Australia. If you are injured by the negligent driving of a Western Australian registered vehicle then you may still be able to make a claim. If you are injured by a car in a ‘hit and run’ accident then you may also be able to claim. In 2021 there were nearly 4,000 new claims made on the Insurance Commission of WA. Most of those related to car accidents in the Perth metro area (3,332).

If you have been in a motor vehicle accident in Perth or in Western Australia then we suggest the following initial steps:

Get details

Swop your details with the other driver: name, address, car number plate etc. In addition if there were any witnesses it is always a good idea to get their name and phone number.

Get pictures

Most people carry a phone in their pockets. Take pictures of:

  • The other car, including the number plate;
  • The other driver’s driver’s license;
  • The place where the accident happened; and
  • The damage to your car.

Get treatment

Get checked out by your GP as soon as possible. It goes without saying that the sooner you get medical help the better chance you give yourself at making a good recovery from your injuries.

Report the crash

To make a claim you must complete the ICWA online crash report. You can find this at This is a compulsory step. If you have any difficulties with using the online form then the team at the Insurance Commission are really helpful and can guide you through it.

If you have completed the initial steps and if you are injured and are thinking about making a claim for compensation then you might consider the following:

Treatment expenses

Treatment can quickly become very expensive, especially if you are referred to specialist appointments and long-term physiotherapy. If the Insurance Commission of WA ‘ICWA’ accept liability for your claim then they are very good at funding your current treatment expenses. To give yourself the best chance of having ICWA pay for your treatment, make sure that your GP has recommended the treatment, that the treatment is clearly for your mva injuries, and that the type of treatment is reasonable for your injuries.

Lost time from work

If your injuries keep you away from work, or if you are self-employed and your injuries keep you from running your business, then you need to keep details of your losses. Typically that means keeping track of your lost time and keeping medical certificates as proof of not being fit to return to work. Lost earnings is a big part of a lot of claims and can be complex to prove. You should consider getting legal advice on what you can claim and how to make that claim.

Get advice

You should not be financially worse off because of the negligent driving of somebody else. The accident wasn’t your fault – you should not be out of pocket. Car accident claims lawyers Perth have a lot of experience in claiming proper compensation for your losses. Just call. Lawyer at Lian Hall Injury Law are very happy to have an informal no-obligations chat if you are thinking about what you can do. We are very experienced in car crash claims in Perth and we are always happy to chat.


Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is not legal advice but rather general information on documenting car accidents with photos. For expert advice tailored to your unique situation, consult with a qualified personal injury lawyer in Perth, WA.

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